This semiconductor manufacturer, along with their local utility, retained B2Q to conduct a detailed engineering, modeling, and cost benefit analysis of new high efficiency energy equipment and controls as part of the design of new clean rooms at their manufacturing facility. Our design review and analysis included three new clean rooms: Class 10,000 Die Visual, Die Unpack Class 100,000 for processing silicon wafers, and Class 100,000 new die where wafers are cleaned and tested. We were challenged to recommend the most efficient and cost-effective HVAC equipment and control strategies to maximize energy efficiency and cost savings while meeting exacting clean room standards.
B2Q investigated four energy efficiency measures focusing on upgrading the efficiency of proposed air side and mechanical side HVAC equipment and instituting control strategies to reduce energy consumption and costs. Recommendations included upgrading the energy efficiency of the 20-ton direct expansion air handling units, ultrasonic humidification, high efficiency condensing boiler, and variable speed drives on main air supply fans to reduce air flows during unoccupied periods.
B2Q’s analysis and recommendation resulted in projected electric energy savings of 35% and natural-gas savings of 23% above and beyond those achieved through installation of standard efficiency equipment. After adopting our energy efficiency recommendations, B2Q was engaged to provide mechanical and electrical design services for construction of the new clean rooms.
Energy Efficiency and Analysis
Building Systems